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Meet our Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for governing CARP. The Board is elected annually by the membership and composed of up to 15 volunteers drawn from many occupations and all geographic sectors of the watershed. An executive is elected to ensure that operations run smoothly. The Board sets the policy and operating parameters for the society, as well as approves all CARP projects.

Interested in joining our Board?

CARP is a community-based environmental organization that will be celebrating thirty years of action in 2020.

We are driven by our mission is to enhance the ecological health of the Annapolis River watershed for current and future generations through science, leadership, and community engagement.


We are seeking new Board members to help us ensure that our organization continues to thrive as we work to support our communities and address key environmental issues. More information on past and current projects can be found on the CARP website:

The Board meets on the third Tuesday of the month with the exception of August.


Roles and Responsibilities for Directors of the Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP):


Serving on a not-for-profit board is a volunteer position but it is a very important position. CARP's board provides direction, guidance and oversight to the organization's operations and finances. Board members have a responsibility to the organization, staff, volunteers as well as the members of the organization. Some of the expectations and roles of a board member are as follows:

  • Attend monthly meetings or call/email ‘Regrets’ if unable to attend.

  • Prepare for meetings by reading minutes of the previous meeting, agenda, financial statements and any attachments.

  • Review by-laws and board policies annually.

  • Review the strategic plan on an annual basis.

  • Actively participate in board discussions.

  • Be prepared to move the meeting forward by moving and seconding motions.

  • Participate in committee work as required.

  • Attend the annual general meeting.

  • Pay membership dues in full and on time.

  • Maintain knowledge of director's legal obligations.

  • Conduct annual board self-evaluation.

  • Be prepared to donate volunteer hours to a project or activity.

  • Check, read and respond to correspondence on a regular basis.

  • Be prepared to support CARP financially at a level you feel is significant.



For more information or to submit a request for consideration on the board please email Mark Hebert, President at

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